Our fees
Holistic Wealth Management
Because we work with our clients on a long-term basis, we charge a simple, annual fee for Holistic Wealth Management. We don’t charge by the hour, so our clients’ fees don’t go up unexpectedly because of a big project or a sudden need. Younger clients with simpler financial lives and fewer assets can engage us for an affordable fee, while more affluent clients with more complex needs still pay less than they would at many other firms.
As a practical measure of the financial complexity of each client, we base our ongoing fees for Wealth Management on assets under management [1], subject to certain minimum asset levels, as outlined below. For full details, please contact us.
Client Age
20 – 29 years
30 – 39 years
40 – 49 years
50 – 59 years
60 years +
Investment Minimum
Ongoing fees for Wealth Management
1.00% of the first $1,000,000 of invested assets, plus
0.80% of the next $2,000,000 of invested assets, plus
0.60% of the next $3,000,000 of invested assets, plus
0.40% of the next $4,000,000 of invested assets, plus
0.20% of the remaining amount.
Griffin Black’s Pathfinder Service is designed to address the needs of young clients who wish to qualify for full Holistic Wealth Management services but do not yet have the qualifying investment assets.
Pathfinder clients enjoy significantly lower minimum asset requirements, but must commit to regular savings goals to remain in the program. Those lower minimums depend on a combination of age and committed savings.
Pathfinder fees are charged at a uniform rate of 1.25% of assets under management (AUM) until the age-based minimum for a Wealth Management engagement has been reached. At that point, fees for Wealth Management apply. For full details, please contact us.
[1] Clients enrolled in the Holistic Wealth Management program should expect Griffin Black to manage all their available investment assets, unless otherwise agreed upon. “Available investment assets” include investments that are, or can be, managed independently by the client. That excludes a current employer’s workplace retirement accounts (e.g., 401(k) or 403(b) accounts), but does include legacy retirement accounts that can be rolled over at the client’s discretion. If some available assets remain ‘held away,’ Griffin Black retains the right to include them in our advisory fee base because they still comprise part of the wealth that the firm necessarily takes into consideration in its planning efforts.

Standalone Investment Management
Griffin Black’s standalone Investment Management services are meant to address the needs of sophisticated investors who either do not need – or do not wish to engage in – a holistic wealth management relationship with Griffin Black. Standalone investment management fees are based on assets under management (AUM) and are assessed quarterly, in arrears. The following rates apply.
1.00% of the first $1,000,000, plus
0.60% of the next $2,000,000, plus
0.30% of the next $3,000,000, plus
0.15% of the remaining amount
If you believe that you have a unique need or circumstances, you are welcome to speak with us regarding your individual case.
Summary fee information only. For complete information regarding Griffin Black fees please contact us.