Young Investors


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A person using a calculator next to a laptop, with papers, a notepad, and a pen on a desk.
It’s everyone’s favorite time of year: tax time! As you’re filing your taxes this year, you will undoubtedly be faced with a lot of tax lingo. It can be overwhelming if you are not familiar with the terminology. A common tax question is “did you buy or sell any assets this year?”. This question is really getting at the treatment of a capital gain or capital loss. Now, you may prefer to turn over the documents showing this information to your tax software or CPA, but understanding how a capital asset is taxed can help you make smart decisions during the tax year.
A person inserts a block labeled "INFLATION" into a stack of wooden blocks labeled with terms like BUSINESS, ECONOMY, and BUDGET, illustrating the impact of inflation on various economic aspects.
Inflation has been one of the hottest topics in economic news throughout 2023. Maybe you have read about inflation in the news or talked about the most recent data at the proverbial water cooler. If you have not heard about the recent bout of inflation, you have certainly felt its effects. Maybe that’s led you to ask questions like “why do we have inflation?” It is a good question, and one that has a very meaningful impact on your financial goals.
Five colorful piggy banks face an orange, five-way arrow on a white background, suggesting different financial choices or savings paths.
Picture this scenario: You have finished a grueling interview process. After days of studying and fielding questions in front of the mirror, you finally get the offer. The job is a perfect fit for you, the salary looks great, and you even get some nice benefits! On your first day, your HR representative asks if you want to take advantage of the company’s 401(k) plan.
Three wicker baskets filled with brown eggs are arranged on a wooden surface, alongside a rolled-up paper and scattered coins.
It’s not an uncommon scenario for a young professional: you go to work for a company that is growing rapidly – maybe a high-tech startup or some other enterprise that is expanding aggressively into a well-defined business niche. The company does well, and the profits start rolling in. Before too long,
Illustration of hands holding insurance symbols: a car, family, and house under green umbrellas with words "Protection" and "Security.
I have heard it before, ‘Insurance is a scam. I pay for it every month and yet I may never even use it!’ Buying insurance can often seem like an “extra” or a “nice to have” type of expense. After all, the only time most insurance pays is if something bad happens, right?
Image depicting a comparison between stocks and bonds, represented by two documents with graphs and charts, with the word "vs" in the middle.
Have you ever heard people say things like, “The market was up today,” or “I just looked at the news, and my stocks are all down”? Or maybe you’ve seen headlines like “Investors Moving into Bonds as Rates Fall,” or “Index ETFs Gain in Popularity.” Maybe you’ve wondered about this unfamiliar language that other people seem to understand. Maybe you wish you understood more about it yourself.

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A multicolored pie chart with several segments of varying sizes, including prominent red, yellow, and pink sections. The chart is displayed on a light gray background. No labels or data values are visible.

Griffin Black Portal

  • Investment Reporting
  • Meeting Notes
  • Account Statements
  • Single Signon to eMoney
  • Billing Statements
  • Document Sharing
  • Tax Statements (1099s, etc)
Logo of Altruist with two overlapping green circles on the left and the word "Altruist" in black text on the right.


  • e-Delivery – Going Paperless​
  • Tax Documents (1099, 1099R, etc.)
  • ​Account Statements
A laptop screen displaying a financial management dashboard with account balances, net worth, investment details, and financial goals for users named James and Stephanie Chaplin.

emX / eMoney

  • Financial Planning Tool
  • Account Aggregator
  • Budget & Spending
Logo of NetXInvestor featuring the text "NETX" in gray and "INVESTOR" in orange, with a stylized arch above the text.


  • e-Delivery – Going Paperless
  • Tax Documents (1099, 1099R, etc.)
  • Account Statements
  • Pershing Communications