Recent Market Lessons on Crypto, FAANG Stocks, and International Markets

August 24, 2022
8.30am Pacific PST
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Hosted by Dimensional Fund Advisors, our Investment Partner, on Cryptocurrency, FAANG Stocks, international markets and other topics currently capturing investor attention.

Join Dimensional’s Jake DeKinder and Mark Gochnour for a conversation on a range of topics recently capturing investor interest. During the webcast, they will discuss the recent performance of cryptocurrencies, FAANG stocks, US growth stocks, and markets outside the US. They will offer a perspective to reinforce key investment principles and help investors maintain a long-term approach during these challenging times.

Jake DeKinder
Head of Client Communications
Mark Gochnour
Head of Global Services Group

Watch the Recording

This event and all content presented is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide specific tax, financial, or investment advice. The hosting of this event is by Dimensional Fund Advisors LP,  an investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The information provided should not be construed by any client, consumer and/or prospective client as an offer to sell securities or render personalized investment advice.

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